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Applied Problem Solving with Matlab
Illustrative Applications

The best way to learn a new programming language, such as Matlab, and the only way to really develop experience with a variety of problem-solving strategies and numerical techniques is to be exposed to a variety of good examples that illustrate the most important features of interest. My approach to teaching Matlab and Applied Numerical Methods follows this philosophy and, as such, my goal was to provide the students with as many illustrative examples as possible. Towards this goal, I have generated a series of completely worked-out applications as an additional learning resource for this course. In some cases, the examples are pretty simple, with the goal of highlighting one or two key concepts. In other cases, a fairly comprehensive analysis of a particular system is given, with the goal of showing how to tackle some more complicated problems that require the integration of several tools or techniques. In all cases, there is something significant to be gained from the examples, so I strongly encourage you to put this material to good use. Have fun...

A list of the illustrative applications currently available, by lesson, is given below:

Lesson 1: Getting Started With Matlab
Title of Demo
Documentation File
Matlab Files
Pendulum Dynamics (discussed as part of Lesson 1)
Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution
Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow in a Pipe
Pipe Insulation Considerations

Lesson 2: Array and Matrix Operations in Matlab
Title of Demo
Documentation File
Matlab Files
Sand Pit Utilization
Maxwellian Distribution Revisited
Projectile Motion -- A Bottle Cap Tossing Simulation

Lesson 3: Programming in Matlab
Title of Demo
Documentation File
Matlab Files
Hurricane Edouard (Aug. 21 - Sept. 3, 1996)
Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Fin
Measurement Error in a Temperature Probe

Lesson 4: Numerical Errors and Related Topics
Title of Demo
Documentation File
Matlab Files
On Evaluating Infinite Series -- An Example
Evaluating and Plotting Space-Time Temperature Distributions
Introduction to Finite Difference Methods

Lesson 5: Root Finding and Polynomial Manipulations
Title of Demo
Documentation File
Matlab Files
Friction Effects in Pipe Flow
Energy Balance on a Conducting Rod
Comprehensive Analysis of a Slanted Gate

Lesson 6: Systems of Linear and Nonlinear Equations
Title of Demo
Documentation File
Matlab Files
Reaction Stoichiometry
A Two-Pipe Parallel Flow System
On the Convergence of Iterative Methods

Last updated by Prof. John R. White (February 2020)

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