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Reactor Experiments   --   Reactor Lab #4
Reactivity Feedback Effects

The purpose of this experiment is to address temperature and xenon effects within the UMLRR and to develop and validate a complete dynamics simulation of the UMLRR core that includes all the appropriate feedback mechanisms. This page contains links to the many files directly associated with Reactor Lab #4.

Upon completion of this experiment, the student should have a better understanding of the inherent feedbacks that occur in thermal systems, and be able to identify and discuss the key feedback components that are present in different situations. In addition, you should be able to understand and utilize a simple 11-equation dynamics model of the UMLRR and be able to design and simulate different reactor sequences to illustrate various feedback mechanisms, including both the fuel and coolant temperatures and the buildup/decay of Xe-135.

Resource List:

File Category
File Description
Reactivity Feedback Effects -- Part I: Prediction, Measurement, and Interpretation
Reactivity Feedback Effects -- Part II: Prediction, Measurement, and Interpretation
Description of Tasks for HW#10 (pre-lab)
Instructor's Solutions for Tasks #1 and #2 for HW#10
Description of Tasks for HW#11 (post-lab)
Instructor's Solutions for HW#11 -- Natural Convection Results
Instructor's Solutions for HW#11 -- Forced Convection Results
Measuring and Interpreting Feedback Effects within the UMLRR
Temperature-Related Reactivity Coefficients and Feedback Effects
Xenon Poisoning in Thermal Reactors
Archive file that contains the xenon_gui code which simulates xenon effects within the UMLRR
Steady-State Temperature Profiles in a UMLRR Fuel Channel
Archive file that contains the sstemp_umlrr_gui code which simulates the tempeature profiles in a UMLRR fuel channel under various conditions
Archive file containing Pool Cooldown Experimental Data and Analysis from Jan. 22, 2013 (attempts to quantify the isothermal temperature coefficient within the UMLRR)
Archive file containing Experimental Data and Analysis from the Jan. 14, 2013 Constant Power Run with nearly Constant Temperature (attempts to validate the UMLRR Xenon Model)
Archive file containing Experimental Data and Analysis for Two Model Tests to help validate the 11-equation dynamics model for the UMLRR (Tests include the Natural Convection Run from Aug. 20, 2007 and the Forced Flow Run from Aug. 20, 2012)
Raw data from additional reactor runs on July 17, 2013 involving both forced and natural convection (used as part of the pre-lab HW to help understand and validate the 11-equation dynamics model for the UMLRR)
Raw reactor data from the live Reactivity Feedback Effects Lab performed on April 17, 2018

Last updated by Prof. John R. White (March 2020)

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