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Differential Equations
Prof. John R. White

Summary Course Description:
This course represents an introduction to mathematical modeling and to the various solution techniques available to solve and analyze the resultant differential equations. The emphasis in this first course in differential equations is on the development of basic skills for the modeling and analysis of physical systems governed by one independent variable (ODEs). Computer implementation for visualization, analytical and numerical solution, and comprehensive analysis is also emphasized. Several computational examples are illustrated using the Matlab package.

Last Taught: The last time I taught this course was during Spring 2007. Although this was definitely a few years ago, the first course in Diff. Eqns. at most universities has not changed much over the years -- so I expect that much of the material here is still quite pertinent. In addition, I have checked/updated many of the Matlab demos so that they work nicely with the newer version of Matlab. Thus, I think you will still find this material quite useful...

Course-Related Educational Resources:

Be patient -- additional materials are coming soon...

Last updated by Prof. John R. White (February 2020)

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